Consulate of Burkina Faso Nice
Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul, Consul of Burkina Faso in Nice, joins in the pain of all Burkinabè, civilians and soldiers, following the devastating attack of Inata and offers them his sincere condolences.
The Consulate issues visas again on Tuesday morning by telephone appointment or by email. Wearing a mask is mandatory: Covid 19 regulations see "My trip" tab
Marc Aicardi of Saint-Paul
Geopolitical Articles
Indian Diasporas in Africa, Academy, Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul, November 2017
The work of France in Tunisia 1850-1956, Academy, Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul, December 2012
WAEMU and ECOWAS and the crisis, African Geopolitics, Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul, January 2009
Taiwan and Africa, Academy, Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul, December 2008
Israel - Palestine, lessons from South Africa, MIDDLE EAST PEACE INITIATIVE TEL AVIV, Marc Aicardi of Saint-Paul, October 22, 2006
Israel – Palestine, lessons from South Africa, MIDDLE EAST PEACE INITIATIVE TEL AVIV, Marc Aicardi of Saint-Paul, October 22, 2006
- Japan and Africa, genesis of an atypical relationship - CHEAM (Centre for Advanced Studies on Modern Africa and Asia), La Documentation française, Paris, June 1999.
- "Africa between marginalization and globalization" -Liberalism and globalization- (under the direction of Charles Zorgbibe), “Africa facing the globalization”, François-Xavier DE Guibert, Paris 1999.
- South Africa Southern Africa: interdependence and antagonisms - (under the directed by Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul), Contemporary Africa, La Documentation French, Paris, December 1997.
- South Africa in transition, reconciliation and cooperation in Africa Southern Africa - “The Zulu factor in the South African democratic process”,
(Preface by Nelson Mandela), University of Paris, Panthéon Sorbonne), Economica, Paris 1995.
- From Upper Volta to Burkina Faso: Tradition and modernity in the land of men of integrity - Albatross, Paris, 1993.
- Articles on African countries - The International Year 1993 - Le Seuil, Paris, 1992.
- Planetary tribalism - editor: Guy Hennebelle, Arléat - Corlet, Paris, 1992.
- Articles on African countries - The International Year - 1992 - Le Seuil, Paris, 1992.
- Gabon: The Development of a Nation - Routledge, London and New York, 1989.
- Gabon: from King Denis to Omar Bongo - Albatros, Paris, 1987.
- Namibia: a century of history - Albatros, Paris, 1984.
- US African Policy: Mechanisms and Conduct - Economica, Paris and New Horizons, (for Africa), Paris, 3rd edition 1989.
- Southern Africa: economic interdependence - Editions de la Revue modern, Paris, 1983.
- The Black States of South Africa - Editions de la Revue Moderne, Paris, 1980.
- Segregation and apartheid: the historical and ideological context - Albatross, Paris, 1979.