Consulate of Burkina Faso Nice
Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul, Consul of Burkina Faso in Nice, joins in the pain of all Burkinabè, civilians and soldiers, following the devastating attack of Inata and offers them his sincere condolences.
​ The Consulate issues visas again on Tuesday morning by telephone appointment or by email. Wearing a mask is mandatory: Covid 19 regulations see "My trip" tab
The consulate
49 Wolf Avenue
Villeneuve-Loubet Plage 06270
Email: consulburkina06@wanadoo.fr
Telephone : 0033 (0)4 93 20 22 11
Facebook page :
Embassy of Burkina Faso in Paris
159, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris
Phone :
E-mail : contact@ambaburkina.fr
Website : http://ambaburkina-fr.org/
Consulate General of Burkina Faso in Paris
112, Rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris
E-mail : consulat.general.bf@gmail.com
Website: https://www.consulatburkinaparis.org/
French Embassy in Burkina Faso
Treasury Avenue
BP 504 Ouagadougou
Phone : +226 25 49 66 66
E-mail : embassy@ambafrance-bf.org
Website : https://bf.ambafrance.org/
Consulate General of France in Ouagadougou
Avenue du Trésor BP 109 1 Ouagadougou
Phone : +226 25 49 66 10
24/7: +226 78 71 86 07
E-mail : cad.ouagadougou-fslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Website : https://bf.ambafrance.org/